Paige’s Story

My name is Paige Black. I am 48 years old. My husband’s name is Jason and we have a 14-year-old daughter, Allison. I was diagnosed in April 2017 with Stage 4 lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). I am currently on a combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. I received radiation (SBRT) in the summer of 2018 to my primary tumor. As a result of my diagnosis, I have met many dedicated health care professionals. Dr. Kathryn Mileham, Dr. Mufti Ahmad, and Dr. John Heinzerling have treated me with kindness and compassion. They are the reason I am alive today. The Lung Cancer Initiative events provide education, community, and hope. The 2018 5K in Charlotte was the most lung cancer survivors I had ever seen together, regular people, living with a diagnosis that no one wants. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I completed walking the 5K. Having the support of so many other people was encouraging. Funds raised result in research, education, and support for survivors. Please consider donating to the Lung Cancer Initiative.
We are extremely saddened to say that on September 4th, 2021, Paige lost her battle. Paige impacted many with her advocacy efforts and dedication to the mission of Lung Cancer Initiative.