Doris’ Story
I have been living with Stage 4 Lung Cancer for three years! Lung cancer researchers have done so much with so little-they are extending lives! Imagine what they could do if lung cancer research funding increased. People like me could live long lives and maybe even be cured! Please consider supporting lung cancer research and ask your friends and family too! This is one of the reasons I am involved in the LUNGe Forward 5k sponsored by the Lung Cancer Initiative of NC. They provide funds for research right here in NC, including at Levine Cancer Institute where I receive my care. Another reason I am involved is because I get to know other patients like myself, survivors, and many people who work in the lung cancer field. I like having a lung cancer community! I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer despite having no known risk factors. I’ve learned a lot since diagnosis and want everyone to know that anyone can get lung cancer. I’m living with lung cancer, but it isn’t easy. It’s a delicate balancing act, and many days when I wake up I am surprised to find it is a “not so good day”. Despite that, I try to enjoy every day and keep on LIVING life. Please support lung cancer research and help people like me live well.
We are extremely saddened to say that on Friday, July 3rd, 2020 Doris lost her battle. Doris impacted many with her advocacy efforts and dedication to the mission of Lung Cancer Initiative.